ESE News
Introducing ESE's NEW HD/SD SDI Standalone Video Time & Date Inserter
HD-206/SD/1: HD/SD SDI Standalone Video Time & Date Inserter
August 23, 2017El Segundo, CA The HD-206/SD/1 is an HD & SD Standalone Time & Date Video Inserter. The time is inserted onto an SDI video signal. Additionally, up to 30 characters of user defined text may be inserted into the video. Two independent character windows are available and can be used to insert Time, Date, Time & Date and/or User Defined Text. Ten different font sizes are available and the characters may be located anywhere on the video using the horizontal & vertical controls. Included font colors are Grayscale along with six solid colors (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue & Violet).HD-206/SD/1: HD/SD SDI Standalone Video Time & Date Inserter

The HD-206/SD/1 may be ordered with up to six independent video channels. The unit is easily configured using the front panel controls or the front panel mounted USB port with the supplied PC software. The front panel controls consist of four push buttons used to navigate the various setup menus that are displayed on a 16 x 2 character LCD display. The USB port and the PC software provide a user-friendly GUI (Graphical User Interface) used to configure the unit.
The HD-206/SD/1 is now available and ready to ship.
For additional information please contact ESE or Monica Trotter / Marketing @ 310-322-2136 or see us on the web at